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Alliance 84-85 Twilight Highlands bug collection

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    Alliance 84-85 Twilight Highlands bug collection

    Here's now what I found so far in the Twilight Highlands guide. Again SIS is off as I'm already 85...

    Step 2, 4, 30: missing NPC name (ID 41735, King Varian Wrynn)
    Step 3: missing NPC name (ID 1747, Anduin Wrynn)
    Step 4: autoaccept not working. He has a level 15 quest so the higher level quest is not the first in the dialog. I don't know if autoaccept is impossible then.
    Step 6: missing NPC name (ID 44238, Harrison Jones)
    Step 7: missing NPC name (ID 29152, Stormwind Dock Worker)
    Step 10: missing NPC name (ID 44749, Supply Sergeant Graves)
    Step 8, 11, 14, 18, 20: setting the waypoint automatically is irritating, should be optional if Anduin is not with you (the waypoint is inside the text).
    Step 16: missing NPC name (ID 44807, Farmer Wollerton)
    Step 70, 78, 105: missing NPC name (ID 49271, Keegan Firebeard)
    Step 72, 79: missing NPC name (ID 49370, Cailin Longfellow)
    Step 86: missing NPC name (ID 47317, Keeland Doyle)
    Step 96: missing NPC name (ID 48172, Bahrum Forgehammer)
    Step 99 must be done before step 98
    Step 112: missing NPC name (ID 49013, Eoin Dunwald)

    The next one is the error already reported about the wrong coordinates.
    Step 122, 123: NPCs are not in this house, instead they are at the location of the next quest (Eoin Dunwald at 50.6,70.8; Flynn Dunwald at 50.5,70.6)
    Step 124: missing NPC name (ID 49363, Keely Dunwald)
    Screenshots of the locations:

    Step 124: guide skipped accepting of quest, moved on to the next step. Moving back and autoaccept did work.
    Here's a bug report (after accepting the quest):
    Guide: "Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Cataclysm 80-85 Guide\Twilight Highlands (84-85)"
    Step: 125
      map: Twilight Highlands
      level: 84
      (complete: NO, auxiliary: NO, obsolete: NO, possible: YES)
    1.  <Gehe zum 50,70>
        action: goto
        L: true
        map: Schattenhochland (enUS:Twilight Highlands) 50.5,70.6
        (not completeable)
        Status: passive
    2. .  <Spreche mit Flynn Dunwald>
        action: talk
        npc: Flynn Dunwald
        npcid: 46628
        L: true
        (not completeable)
        Status: passive
    3. . .  "Tell him you're in"
        L: true
        (not completeable)
        Status: passive
    4. .  <Töte Darunga>
        action: kill
        count: 1
        L: true
        quest: "Nach Dunwälder Art" ##27651 goal 1: "Darunga"  - quest "Nach Dunwälder Art" ##27651 in log (id: not completed)
        target: "Darunga"
        (complete: no, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
        Status: incomplete
    --- Player information ---
    Race: Dwarf  Class: DEATHKNIGHT  Level: 85
    Position: realzone:'Schattenhochland' x:45.9608,y:65.5161 (zone:'Schattenhochland' subzone:'Bastion von Dunwald' minimapzone:'Bastion von Dunwald')
        enUS: realzone:'Twilight Highlands' zone:'Twilight Highlands' subzone:'(Bastion von Dunwald)' minimapzone:'(Bastion von Dunwald)')
    Locale: deDE
    -- Cached quest log --
    2. "Beim Familientreffen" ##27641 (lv=84, complete):
    ... 1. "Gäste des Schattenhammers in Dunwald willkommen geheißen: 20/20" (monster, 20/20, complete)
    3. "Durchsuchung der Trümmer" ##27642 (lv=84, complete):
    ... 1. "Opfer der Dunwalds gefunden: 12/12" (monster, 12/12, complete)
    4. "Nach Dunwälder Art" ##27651 (lv=84):
    ... 1. "Darunga getötet: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
    5. "Stete Versorgung" ##27649 (lv=84, complete):
    ... 1. "Wildhammerbier: 6/6" (item, 6/6, complete)
    6. "Was einem Feigling zusteht" ##28001 (lv=84):
    -- Cached quest log, by ID --
    #27651: Nach Dunwälder Art
    #28001: Was einem Feigling zusteht
    #27641: Beim Familientreffen
    #27649: Stete Versorgung
    #27642: Durchsuchung der Trümmer
    -- Items --
    -- Buffs/debuffs --
    -- Pet action bar --
    4. Klaue ("Interface\Icons\Spell_DeathKnight_Thrash_Ghoul")
    5. Klauenfeger ("Interface\Icons\Spell_DeathKnight_Thrash_Ghoul")
    6. Monströser Hieb ("Interface\Icons\Spell_Frost_Stun")
    7. Nagen ("Interface\Icons\Spell_DeathKnight_Gnaw_Ghoul")
    -- Flight Paths --
    -- Options --
      backopacity = 0.3
      skipobsolete = false
      showmapbutton = true
      arrowmeters = true
      arrowfontsize = 10
      dispmodepri = true
      hideincombat = false
      nevershowborder = false
      arrowskin = midnight
      trackchains = true
      debug = false
      skincolors = 
      guidename = Zygor's Alliance Guides: Northrend (78-80)
      fixblizzardautoaccept = false
      minicons = true
      arrowalpha = 1
      fullheight = 605.00002031342
      skinstyle = black
      goalcolorize = false
      golddetectiondist = 400
      arrowsmooth = true
      goalbackaux = 
      showallsteps = false
      arrowcolordist = false
      skipimpossible = false
      goalbackcomplete = 
      autoturnin = true
      fontsize = 12
      foglight = false
      arrowposx = 967.99092039524
      goalbackimpossible = 
      pointeraudio = true
      minimapzoom = false
      goalicons = true
      golddistmode = 1
      goalbackprogress = true
      showstepborders = true
      arrowscale = 0.8
      guidesinhistory = 5
      levelsahead = 80
      autoaccept = true
      skin = midnight
      goalbackincomplete = 
      arrowcam = false
      fontsecsize = 11
      arrowposy = 978.60393302871
      briefopentime = 0.5
      goalbackprogressing = 
      analyzereps = false
      waypointaddon = internal
      chainskip = true
      viewcreature = false
      opacitymain = 1
      goaltotals = true
      hidecompletedinbrief = true
      goalbackgrounds = true
      stepnumbers = true
      showstepnumbers = true
      goalupdateflash = true
      iconScale = 0.5
      dispsecondary = 
      arrowshow = true
      tooltipsbelow = true
      dispprimary = 
      minimode = true
      goldreqmode = 3
      goalbackobsolete = 
      chainskipcount = 5
      flashborder = true
      skipauxsteps = true
      hidearrowwithguide = true
      iconAlpha = 1
      showsteplevels = true
      showcountsteps = 1
      goalcompletionflash = true
      minimapnotedesc = true
      arrowfreeze = false
      completesound = MapPing
      flipsounds = true
      briefclosetime = 1
      displaymode = guide
      framescale = 0.8
      stepbackalpha = 0.5
      filternotes = true
      hideborder = false
      contractmobs = true
      showbriefsteps = false
      dispmode = 
      visible = true
    -- Log --
    15:09:19> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:09:22> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:09:24> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:09:24> Skipping step: 117 (complete)
    15:09:24> SkipStep 1 fast
    15:09:24> LastSkip 1
    15:09:24> FocusStep 118 (quiet)
    15:09:24> FocusStep 118
    15:09:59> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:10:17> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:10:21> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:10:23> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:10:25> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:10:30> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:10:51> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:11:07> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:11:28> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:11:32> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:11:43> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:12:06> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:12:26> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:13:20> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:13:28> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:13:28> Skipping step: 118 (complete)
    15:13:28> SkipStep 1 fast
    15:13:28> LastSkip 1
    15:13:28> FocusStep 119 (quiet)
    15:13:28> FocusStep 119
    15:13:48> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:14:00> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
    15:14:00> Player dead!
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, mc/mz=2/21
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, seeking corpse
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=1? 0:0
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=2? 0:0
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=3? 0:0
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=4? 0:0
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=5? 0:0
    15:14:00> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on cont 0
    15:14:15> Player unghosted!
    15:15:14> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:15:25> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:15:25> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:15:37> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:15:43> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:16:08> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:16:21> QUEST_COMPLETE id=27646
    15:16:25> GetQuest: id of quest 'Auf der Suche nach Schnäbelchen' = 27646
    15:16:25> Completed Quest: Auf der Suche nach Schnäbelchen##27646
    15:16:25> Animating completion.
    15:16:25> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:16:25> Lost Quest: Auf der Suche nach Schnäbelchen, id: 27646, complete: true
    15:16:25> Already completed quest: Auf der Suche nach Schnäbelchen##27646
    15:16:25> New Quest: Wieder zuhause id 27650
    15:16:25> Skipping step: 119 (complete)
    15:16:25> SkipStep 1 fast
    15:16:25> LastSkip 1
    15:16:25> FocusStep 120 (quiet)
    15:16:25> FocusStep 120
    15:16:25> Missing from NPC database: Bloodgorged Ettin #46145
    15:17:09> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:17:09> Animating completion.
    15:17:37> goal clicked 9
    15:17:53> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:17:53> Animating progress: Get 6 Wildhammerbier
    15:18:02> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:18:02> Skipping step: 120 (complete)
    15:18:02> SkipStep 1 fast
    15:18:02> LastSkip 1
    15:18:02> FocusStep 121 (quiet)
    15:18:02> FocusStep 121
    15:18:02> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:18:31> Skipping step: 121 (complete)
    15:18:31> SkipStep 1 fast
    15:18:31> LastSkip 1
    15:18:31> FocusStep 122 (quiet)
    15:18:31> FocusStep 122
    15:19:09> SkipStep 1 
    15:19:09> LastSkip 1
    15:19:09> FocusStep 123 (quiet)
    15:19:09> unpausing
    15:19:09> FocusStep 123
    15:19:13> SkipStep 1 
    15:19:13> LastSkip 1
    15:19:13> FocusStep 124 (quiet)
    15:19:13> unpausing
    15:19:13> FocusStep 124
    15:19:46> QUEST_COMPLETE id=27650
    15:19:47> GetQuest: id of quest 'Wieder zuhause' = 27650
    15:19:47> Completed Quest: Wieder zuhause##27650
    15:19:47> CacheQuestLog cached 4 quests
    15:19:47> Lost Quest: Wieder zuhause, id: 27650, complete: false
    15:19:47> Already completed quest: Wieder zuhause##27650
    15:19:47> Skipping step: 124 (complete)
    15:19:47> SkipStep 1 fast
    15:19:47> LastSkip 1
    15:19:47> FocusStep 125 (quiet)
    15:19:47> FocusStep 125
    15:19:58> CacheQuestLog cached 5 quests
    15:19:58> New Quest: Nach Dunwälder Art id 27651


      Step 138, 148: missing NPC name (ID 49273, Colin Thundermar)
      Step 143, 145: missing NPC name (ID 48175, Low Shaman Blundy)
      Step 184: missing NPC name, wrong NPC ID (step 186 has the correct: ID 45332, Earthcaller Torunscar)
      Step 205: missing NPC name (ID 48265, Lauriel Trueblade)
      Step 226, 228: wrong NPC, correct is: ID 47611, Highbank Lieutenant


        A further one for you in this guide: once the final step is completed, the "next guide" setting is set to a guide that does not exist. As a result, when fast forwarding at least, the guide viewer gets stuck in an infinite loop as the Twilight Highlands guide is restarted.

        The line in question reads:

        next Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\\Cataclysm 80-85 Guide
        I can't guess what it's supposed to read, but isn't that the name of the Cata guide before it was split up into the various zones?


          You are right, this next should be deleted from the last guide as there should not be a further guide loaded.


            Cool. Hope you didn't mind the thread hijack!


              As it has something to do with the guide your report is welcome.


                Thanks guys, were aware that there were a lot of ID changes, but this helps us narrow it down. We ll get these fixed soon.
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                  I'll have the rest of Twilight Highlands done tomorrow but I think there shouldn't be much issues left.


                    Just to let you know I'm through with the guide and did not encounter anything unusual.


                      Originally posted by Cartman View Post
                      Just to let you know I'm through with the guide and did not encounter anything unusual.
                      This is always good to know, thanks for the update.
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