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Uldum step 1

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    Uldum step 1

    Hi guys, I'm stuck and I think there is something wrong with the guide in Stormwind at this level.

    I was level 82 in Deepholm and roughly around step 174 I leveled to 83. "You are now ready to proceed to: Uldum 83-84.

    It told me to go to Stormwind and find Harrison Jones. Right when I zoned into Stormwind, in the text field it got some error, saying:
    Zygor Guides Viewer: CreateMapMarker bailing out; c=0 z=nil x=85 y=25.9
    Zygor Guides Viewer: Unable to create waypoint: Stormwind City 85.8 25.9

    As I moved around the city trying to locate Harrison, I kept getting that message in text box.

    When I finally found Harrison Jones, it says to turn in "That's no Pyramid" which I don't have and don't know where to get. And accept "meeting up with the caravan" which he will not give me. When I click on him, he wants to train me in Archeology.

    I'm really stuck here guys, any help?

    Thanks for your time

    Yes, I just realized to click to step two and get "Hero's Call to Uldum"
    I should mention that I can not see the marker on the map which the guide helps you locate NPC's, turn in's and such. But only in Stormwind City for me.

    I am flying to do step 5 as I type this and it is telling me to turn in Hero's Call Uldum AND Meeting up with the Caravan, which again, I don't have. So I will let you know what happens from this point, if I can proceed or not. I'm hoping that speaking with Harrison Jones is not crucial to continuing.

    Originally posted by eqchaid View Post
    I am flying to do step 5 as I type this and it is telling me to turn in Hero's Call Uldum AND Meeting up with the Caravan, which again, I don't have. So I will let you know what happens from this point, if I can proceed or not. I'm hoping that speaking with Harrison Jones is not crucial to continuing.
    Ok, so apperantly it is not important to speak with Harrison Jones at this point, because I am on step 9 and moving forward.

    I am still glad I posted because of the errors I am getting in Stormwind with the maps and I can't help but think I am missing something because step 1 was talking to Jones, which I couldnt do.


      Apparently the typo in the Stormwind coordinates did make it into the new guide version...
      It still says Stomwind City.
      Also turning in "There is no Pyramid" should be moved at the end of the Deepholm guide and accepting the Caravan quest should be removed as it is basically the same thing as the Hero's Call quest but the Hero's Call gives more XP.


        Thanks for letting us know about the confusion in this step. We must have forgotten to add in a tip to skip the step if you do not have the quest to turn in. Look for this to be fixed in the next update.
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          I missed out on Herod call to deepholm bc I lvld to to high b4 I went there or that's my only guess as to why I couldn't get the quest? But the guides still worked fine
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