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Gold & Auction Guide Feature

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    Gold & Auction Guide Feature

    I would like to see items in my inventory list the historical data of what those items are worth such as silk cloth, nethweave cloth, mining materials like copper, iron ore etc, herbs all that stuff. Auctioneer has this feature where when you hover over the item it shows its market price per unit & stack(of what your current stack is). Its really handy in being able to tell if a item is garbage or worth saving. It also displays how many times the auctioneer has seen it in the auction house. This helps you tell also if its worth anything or not because if its only been seen in the auction house 50 times in the past month well then its not worth holding onto. However if its been seen thousands and thousands of times then your basically guaranteed a sell. (talking about more common items not super rare epics) I would love to not have to use 2 auction addons to be able to do this. (currently auctioneer/zygor) I would prefer zygor having all this on its own.

    Just to add my two pence to this post,

    I think thats a brilliant idea and would be an awesome function.

    I would also like to see functionality built into the gold guides to build your own "Historic" data from running your own auction scans. This would improve reliability in the data as it would always be up to date and would increase price accuracy as the more often you scan the better your AH data would be.

