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Flightpaths in Spires of Arak

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    Flightpaths in Spires of Arak

    Many of the flight path steps in the Spires of Arak guides when set to take flights automatically seem to drop you off at the flight path node next to your destination, or somewhere completely irrelevant in the area, rather than flying you to where the guide says you need to be.

    Sometimes it flies you one node over and takes a good 3 or 4 tries to get to your actual destination.

    The guide seems to have an especially hard time actually flying you to Veil Terokk.

    Alright, I'll have the team take a look at this. Just to make sure, are you running Version: 5.0.10863?
    Zygor Guides Creative Director


      I believe that is what I was running at the time, I have since updated to 5.0.10884.

      If it helps at all, the issues I was having were on Horde though I think a vast majority of the flight paths & quest hubs in the area are neutral.

