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Gear guide making false suggestions after zoning

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    Gear guide making false suggestions after zoning

    I noticed this earlier this day when doing LFR. It seems the gear guide does not recognize equipped gear when leaving for example the LFR.

    I had a level 569 waist equipped and it suggested I put on a newly found 528 one.
    As you can see in the bug report it did not recognize the equipped one.
    Earlier today it even suggested putting on gear for the second spec so I had to click decline for every piece.

    Bug report:
    Zygor Guides Viewer v4.0.10496
    Race: Pandaren  Class: MONK  Spec: Windläufer  Level: 90.13   Faction: Alliance
     Current item: NONE
    Suggested item: #112929 [Kordel der finsteren Träume]
    +26 Tempo
    +30 Kritischer Trefferwert
    +73 Ausdauer
    +1 Gelber Sockel
    +1 Roter Sockel
    +40 Beweglichkeit
    +27 Rüstung
    Current Gear
    Possible Upgrades
       WaistSlot - [Kordel der finsteren Träume]#112929 scored: 2841
    1 - 16:14:34.332.333> [itemscore] [autoequip] Finding current equipped items and attempting to score them. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    2 - 16:14:34.332.333> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104662 [Kapuze der geschwärzten Tränen] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_HEAD ()
    3 - 16:14:34.332.333> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    4 - 16:14:34.332.333> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    5 - 16:14:34.332.333> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    6 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 42.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 672.0 ()
    7 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 48.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 864.0 ()
    8 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    9 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 66.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1320.0 ()
    10 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] = 3941 ()
    11 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot HeadSlot, [Kapuze der geschwärzten Tränen] got scored at 3941 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    12 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104660 [Immerseus' kristallenes Auge] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_NECK ()
    13 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    14 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    15 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 29.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 464.0 ()
    16 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 29.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 406.0 ()
    17 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] + 44.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 880.0 ()
    18 - 16:14:34.332.334> [itemscore] = 1755 ()
    19 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot NeckSlot, [Immerseus' kristallenes Auge] got scored at 1755 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    20 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104759 [Abprallender Schulterschutz] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_SHOULDER ()
    21 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    22 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    23 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] + 37.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 666.0 ()
    24 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] + 48.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 960.0 ()
    25 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] + 27.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 378.0 ()
    26 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] + 2 540 SOCKETS: * 1080 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    27 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] = 3089 ()
    28 - 16:14:34.332.335> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot ShoulderSlot, [Abprallender Schulterschutz] got scored at 3089 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    29 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 102248 [Fen-Yu, Zorn von Xuen] type: Stoff  slot: INVTYPE_CLOAK ()
    30 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    31 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 6.0, sub weighted ()
    32 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + 42.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 672.0 ()
    33 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + 42.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 756.0 ()
    34 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + 1 600 SOCKETS: * 600 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    35 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + 42.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 588.0 ()
    36 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + 79.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1580.0 ()
    37 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] = 4202 ()
    38 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot BackSlot, [Fen-Yu, Zorn von Xuen] got scored at 4202 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    39 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 99555 [Tunika der heiligen sieben Siegel] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_ROBE ()
    40 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    41 - 16:14:34.332.336> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    42 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 52.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 936.0 ()
    43 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 3 540 SOCKETS: * 1620 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    44 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 46.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 644.0 ()
    45 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 72.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1440.0 ()
    46 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] = 4645 ()
    47 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot ChestSlot, [Tunika der heiligen sieben Siegel] got scored at 4645 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    48 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 95133 [Weidenzwirnarmbänder] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_WRIST ()
    49 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    50 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.2, sub weighted ()
    51 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 23.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 368.0 ()
    52 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 23.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 414.0 ()
    53 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] + 34.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 680.0 ()
    54 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] = 1467 ()
    55 - 16:14:34.332.337> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot WristSlot, [Weidenzwirnarmbänder] got scored at 1467 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    56 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104738 [Korgras giftgetränkte Stulpen] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_HAND ()
    57 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    58 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    59 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    60 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] + 35.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 630.0 ()
    61 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    62 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] + 35.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 490.0 ()
    63 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] + 50.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1000.0 ()
    64 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] = 3205 ()
    65 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot HandsSlot, [Korgras giftgetränkte Stulpen] got scored at 3205 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    66 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 98613 [Schneeliliengürtel] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_WAIST ()
    67 - 16:14:34.332.338> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    68 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.5, sub weighted ()
    69 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 44.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 792.0 ()
    70 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 2 553 SOCKETS: * 1106 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    71 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 42.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 588.0 ()
    72 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 63.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1260.0 ()
    73 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] = 3751 ()
    74 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot WaistSlot, [Schneeliliengürtel] got scored at 3751 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    75 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 99145 [Gamaschen der heiligen sieben Siegel] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_LEGS ()
    76 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    77 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.5, sub weighted ()
    78 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 54.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 864.0 ()
    79 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 62.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 1116.0 ()
    80 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 2 553 SOCKETS: * 1106 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    81 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] + 87.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1740.0 ()
    82 - 16:14:34.332.339> [itemscore] = 4831 ()
    83 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot LegsSlot, [Gamaschen der heiligen sieben Siegel] got scored at 4831 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    84 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 102660 [Grausamkeitsstiefel des stolzen Gladiators] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_FEET ()
    85 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    86 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.5, sub weighted ()
    87 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + 38.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 684.0 ()
    88 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + 1 550 SOCKETS: * 550 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    89 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + 35.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 490.0 ()
    90 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + 55.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 1100.0 ()
    91 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] = 2829 ()
    92 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot FeetSlot, [Grausamkeitsstiefel des stolzen Gladiators] got scored at 2829 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    93 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104704 [Realitätenreißerring] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_FINGER ()
    94 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    95 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    96 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + 30.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 480.0 ()
    97 - 16:14:34.332.340> [itemscore] + 21.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 378.0 ()
    98 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    99 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] + 40.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 800.0 ()

    Part 2:

    100 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] = 2203 ()
    101 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot Finger0Slot, [Realitätenreißerring] got scored at 2203 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    102 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 101918 [Sommersonnenring] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_FINGER ()
    103 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    104 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    105 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] + 38.0 MASTERY:  * 14.0 = 532.0 ()
    106 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] + 39.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 780.0 ()
    107 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] = 1317 ()
    108 - 16:14:34.332.341> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot Finger1Slot, [Sommersonnenring des Gelehrten] got scored at 1317 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    109 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104780 [Haromms Talisman] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_TRINKET ()
    110 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    111 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    112 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] + 74.0 MULTISTRIKE:  * 10.0 = 740.0 ()
    113 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] = 745 ()
    114 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot Trinket0Slot, [Haromms Talisman] got scored at 745 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    115 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104974 [Garantierte Konsequenzen] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_TRINKET ()
    116 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    117 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.3, sub weighted ()
    118 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] = 5 ()
    119 - 16:14:34.332.342> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot Trinket1Slot, [Garantierte Konsequenzen] got scored at 5 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    120 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104757 [Seismischer Bohrer] type: Einhandstreitkolben  slot: INVTYPE_WEAPON ()
    121 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    122 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    123 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + 21.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 336.0 ()
    124 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + 22.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 396.0 ()
    125 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + 116.7 DAMAGE_PER_SECOND:  * 4.0 = 466.9 ()
    126 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    127 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + 31.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 620.0 ()
    128 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] = 2364 ()
    129 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot MainHandSlot, [Seismischer Bohrer] got scored at 2364 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    130 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 105006 [Seismischer Bohrer] type: Einhandstreitkolben  slot: INVTYPE_WEAPON ()
    131 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    132 - 16:14:34.332.343> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.3, sub weighted ()
    133 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] + 19.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 304.0 ()
    134 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] + 19.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 342.0 ()
    135 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] + 105.0 DAMAGE_PER_SECOND:  * 4.0 = 420.0 ()
    136 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] + 1 528 SOCKETS: * 528 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    137 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] + 28.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 560.0 ()
    138 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] = 2159 ()
    139 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] [autoequip] In slot SecondaryHandSlot, [Seismischer Bohrer] got scored at 2159 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    140 - 16:14:34.332.344> [popup] ZygorItemPopup: Popup Closed (StaticPopups.lua:442:Debug)
    141 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] [autoequip] Scanning bags (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    142 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] [autoequip] 63206 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    143 - 16:14:34.332.344> [itemscore] [autoequip] 103678 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    144 - 16:14:34.332.345> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 84661 [Drachenangel] type: Angelruten  slot: INVTYPE_2HWEAPON ()
    145 - 16:14:34.332.345> [itemscore] Item dropped: 84661 [Drachenangel] type: Angelruten  slot: INVTYPE_2HWEAPON  ==  [not for you]  type FISHPOLE bad for MONK3 (Item-ItemScore.lua:448:<local>)
    146 - 16:14:34.332.345> [itemscore] [autoequip] 84661 Removed because score <= 0. Reason in cache. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    147 - 16:14:34.332.345> [itemscore] [autoequip] 104720 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    148 - 16:14:34.332.345> [itemscore] [autoequip] 98600 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    149 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 90595 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    150 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 93245 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    151 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 105151 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    152 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 101898 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    153 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 105117 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    154 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 104727 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    155 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 105044 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    156 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 101876 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    157 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 105830 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    158 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 101870 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    159 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 99061 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    160 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 104753 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    161 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] [autoequip] 99147 Removed because it is in BadUpgrades. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    162 - 16:14:34.332.346> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 104946 [Grillenkäfig des reinen Herzens] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_HOLDABLE ()
    163 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] Item dropped: 104946 [Grillenkäfig des reinen Herzens] type: Verschiedenes  slot: INVTYPE_HOLDABLE  ==  [not for you]  type MISCARM bad for MONK3 (Item-ItemScore.lua:448:<local>)
    164 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] [autoequip] 104946 Removed because score <= 0. Reason in cache. (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    165 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] Stat analysis: 112929 [Kordel der finsteren Träume] type: Leder  slot: INVTYPE_WAIST ()
    166 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] MULTIPLER 1.0 ()
    167 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] + ILEVEL 5.4, sub weighted ()
    168 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] + 26.0 HASTE:  * 16.0 = 416.0 ()
    169 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] + 30.0 CRIT:  * 18.0 = 540.0 ()
    170 - 16:14:34.332.347> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    171 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] + 1 540 SOCKETS: * 540 ILEVEL = 0 ()
    172 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] + 40.0 AGILITY:  * 20.0 = 800.0 ()
    173 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] = 2841 ()
    174 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] Testing [Kordel der finsteren Träume] for WaistSlot scored: 2841.40 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    175 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] [Kordel der finsteren Träume] rejected. Not better than [Schneeliliengürtel] (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    176 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] Number of Items Tested: 3 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    177 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] Time Scoring Items: 1 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    178 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] Cache hit num: 0 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    179 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] Time to Find Upgrades: 0 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)
    180 - 16:14:34.332.348> [itemscore] [autoequip] Total Time: 4 (Item-ItemScore.lua:962:Debug)


      Added to the list to get looked at.
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        It seems to think you don't have any gear equipped at all. It's recommending me to equip like my fishing boots or on a rogue it'll recommend some spellpower greens. It seems to think that I have nothing at all equipped and recommending anything to fill in the "empty" space.


          I am finding the same thing, especially after going through a portal. It wanted me to replace my legendary cloak, or equip all the iron horde items at about 40 levels lower. As Cartman said, it is even asking to equip my pvp gear or fishing pole and so on. I put as much as I could in the bank to keep this annoyance down.


            I'm experiencing the same problems. It suggests gear as if I'm not wearing any, but it also makes wrong suggestions like equipping a crappy green over lvl >500 epics.

